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Latest Release Notes Summary - Talgil Console Software & Spot App

The Talgil Console software will update automatically - All you need to do is open the software on your PC and let the update finish.

Talgil - Console Software - Release Notes

Added for the delay of booster closing

This new feature allows users to set the delay for the booster to close in seconds. The option can be set in the Console Software under Config -> Dealer Definitions -> Fertilization -> Fertilizer Booster Closing Delay.

Note: The controller must have at least one booster.

If the target does not have a booster, the option 'Fertilizer booster closing' will not appear in the Config.

The limit of the booster closing delay is 0-255 seconds.

CleanShot 2024-05-30 at 10.12.58

Automatic Email notification for proxy users in case of controller ID replacement.

If the ID is replaced, all proxy users associated with the target will get an email notification titled 'Talgil Controller ID Replacement'.

The email will contain the old and new serial numbers.

For example:

'The serial number {old serial} has been replaced by {new serial}. Please adjust the URL request on your system.

Added the ability to restrict the Proxy user's access via API

The added option enables dividing 'proxy' users into two categories:

  • Users that have 'API full access.'
  • Users that have 'API Read-Only access.'

The settings are set by Admin/Users.

CleanShot 2024-05-30 at 10.22.40

A new alarm type was added - 'Repetitive event alarm.'

The boot loader firmware version of the controller is added in the target info at Admin (For Sapir Only)

Various bug fixes and improvements were made to the server, admin, and console software.

Several features are available in the DREAM2 version 4.110 beta only.

Added support for special water before the 2nd injector:

This update allows users to define special water applications before injecting fertilizer through the second injector in each local fertilizer site.

This option can be activated in the "Config -> Dealer Definitions -> General" for the DREAM controller under the item called "Special water before for 2nd injector."

Subsequently, within the "Dosage" tab of "Irrigation programs," a corresponding cell will appear for each valve in the sequence. Utilizing this option will override the standard "special water before" value defined for the sequence element with the value specified in this cell.

Additionally, the existing item "Special water before" in both "Dealer Definitions" and "Irrigation programs" has been renamed to "Special water before for 1st injector" for improved clarity.

- 4.110.0 Controller Firmware is required.


Added support for different Main valve opening/closing delays

This new feature empowers users to set independent opening and closing delays for each main valve.

The option can be activated in the "Config -> Dealer Definitions -> General" for the DREAM controller under the item named "Different open/close main valve delay option”.

Upon activation, users can access the "Config -> Constants -> Main Valve" tab to configure separate delays for opening and closing the main valve.

- 4.110.0 Controller Firmware is required.


Added support for the LIN module address display in the Console

This update enhances transparency by displaying the LIN module address on the "Config -> System -> I/O" screen, providing valuable information for both users and installers.

- 4.110.0 Controller Firmware is required.


Improved line restriction option

Users can now restrict access to specific Free Water Meters through the "Restrictions" option under the Admin user information.
This feature allows for granular control over data access and user management.

Added new program states "Waiting before reset" and "Running before reset"

If an irrigation program was running or waiting before the controller restarted, it will automatically transition to one of these new states after the restart, ensuring program continuity and preventing unintended program interruptions.

- 4.110.0 Controller Firmware is required.

Returned option to change the "RFG5" interface directly to simple "RF" and back

At the request of our dealers, the ability to switch between "RF" and "RFG5" interfaces has been reintroduced directly within the Image Maker.


Added new support for our Dutch friends.


Image maker will not be accessible for the user's role "Manager".

Added new Analog sensor types and units to select in the Console.

You can check them under Config -> Constants -> Analog Sensors -> Units

Talgil - Console Software & Spot App - Update 1

Added a new graphic view of the irrigation log

This new feature allows users to view the daily usage of water by a program. This new feature can be found in the program’s irrigation log details under “Daily – planned (actual)”. The user should tap on it and select for which time range data is required. After selection, the user will see a graph of the daily usage of the water for the current program for the selected period. The graphic view of the irrigation log displays the plan in comparison to the actual irrigation performances. The time range can be changed by tapping the “Calendar” icon in the bottom right corner of the graphic.

Talgil - Console Software & Spot App - Update 2

Added a new graphic view of the accumulations by a single valve.

This new feature allows users to view daily water and fertiliser accumulations by valves. To access this function - go to Analyze -> Consumption and swipe the needed valve to the right or left and tap the “Graph” icon. By default, the user will see a graph on the current day, but he can change the time range for data view by tapping the “Calendar” icon in the bottom right corner of the graphic.

Talgil - Console Software & Spot App - Update 3

Extended resolution for the valve area definition

Added support to the more precise area definition ( This new feature allows users to set up area values with three decimal places. The option can be activated only via DREAM controller MMI (currently supported only by firmware beta version starting from 4.110.703). It changes the area presentation value, so please be careful with the activation of this option and check the valve's area before you will run something!!! To see the area values after activation of this feature in Spot user should go to Settings/Valve and tap on the needed valve.

Now, the user can set up a start of the Y-axis for the analog sensor’s graphical history.

Based on users' feedback, we added a new feature that allows a user to change the start on the Y-axis. By default, the graphical history of the analog sensor has a Y-axis with a start, which is set up automatically depending on analog sensor values. But the user can set up a start of the Y-axis as “0”. To do it, the user should go to Sensors and tap on the three lines icon. In the opened list of options, the user can check off the option “Auto fit Y axis”.

Talgil - Console Software & Spot App - Update 4

Added functionality to show output names for Satellites.

Based on users' feedback, we added a new feature that allows the user to select to show the name of Outputs for Satellites or code only. 

To access this functionality, the user should go to the Settings/Satellite/Outputs screen and tap on the three lines icon. In the opened list of options, the user can see the option “Show name”. By default, “Show name” is checked off, and the user should check on this option to show the Outputs name.

Talgil - Console Software & Spot App - Update 5

Improved icons and icon animation depending on the object’s state in Geography.

Now, it’s possible to set up the Contacts, Satellites and DP sensor in Geography as well.

Talgil - Console Software & Spot App - Update 6

The battery is presented as an analog sensor now.

A user can access a Battery in Sensors now, even if a controller image has no other analog sensors defined.

Talgil - Console Software & Spot App - Update 7

A valve nominal flow couldn’t be set up as “0”.

A value “0” is forbidden for the valve nominal flow now. Only positive values are available.

Various bug fixes and improvements.

Various API improvements - For more details, please get in touch.

Talgil - Spot App - Release Notes

To update the mobile Spot App: Please go to Play Store or Apple App Store and update the app.

Added Support for the delay of booster closing

  • This new feature allows users to set the delay for the booster closing. This option is available from Settings -> System -> Fertilization -> Fertilizer booster closing delay.
    • The target must have at least one Fertilizer booster
    • If the target has no booster, the option will not appear.
  • The delay of the booster closing is 0-4 min and 15 sec.

Added the option to manage the Main Valve opening/closing delays

  • This new option allows users to Enable/Disable different modes for Opening/Closing the main valves.
    • It is done at Settings -> System -> Irrigation.
  • To define the mode of opening or closing and the delays, navigate to Settings -> Main Valve.

Extended filtering to the object container (line, set, site)

  • Users can now filter not only by objects but also by object containers such as line, set, and site.

The option 'Show names' is added for the objects in the 'I/O' and 'Settings' subjects.

A new sensor type was added - 'Concentration.'

A new alarm type was added - 'Repetitive event alarm.'

Various bug fixes and improvements.

New Features and functionality:

  • Main Valve closing delay
  • Additional water before special
  • User-defined ID in water meters
  • Search/Filtering in various Screens
  • New Program States
  • Program actual start time, estimated finish
  • and more!

  • Added irrigation and water consumption reports
  • Improved push notification handling.
  • Improved stability and navigation during initialization and reconnection.
  • Updated colour themes, layouts and translations.
  • Various bug fixes and general improvements